Male Potency

Worldwide Occurrence of ED and associated psychological troubles

According to the most recent clinical studies, more than 10% of the worldwide population of men aged 40-70 suffer from certain forms of ED, including both severe and moderate disorders of the sexual function. Although the occurrence of this disease is significantly lower in younger men (the illness is very age-dependent to the extent of the clear linear dependency between the age of patients and the risk of developing ED), it is still diagnosed in more than 10% of men aged 18-40 years. Continue reading

What Stimulates And What Inhibits Sexual Desire In Men

The research on sexual desire in men has often been conducted so far in samples of young participants (such as university students), simply measuring frequency and intensity of desire and comparing it with the experience of women. What transpires from the literature is a certain conformity to traditional sexual scripts: men have a higher sexual desire than women and not necessarily connected to relational aspects (eg availability to the sexual act by the partner, attractive appearance of the woman). Continue reading

Premature Ejaculation: That’s Why It Is Not A Disease

“Premature ejaculation during vaginal intercourse is not a disease”: this is what emerges from the 23rd World Congress of the World Association For Sexual Health (WAS), on May 29, 2017 in Prague, see also in the Journal Of Sexual Medicine in May. Ejaculation is premature, for sexologists, if the vaginal relationship lasts less than a minute (less than three minutes, in other definitions), with the relative psychological consequences for men: frustration, stress, tendency to avoid sexual relations, performance anxiety. Sexologists do not know the causes of this sexual dysfunction, even though they say it is very common and have been studying it for decades, but men with this “disease” always show ejaculation and orgasm during intercourse. In fact, from a physiological point of view everything is normal, there are no pathologies, as shown in an article published by Clinical Anatomy. Continue reading

Erectile Dysfunction Is Not A Disease

Everyone must know that erectile dysfunction is not a disease, and sexologists, andrologists, urologists, doctors, psychologists, etc. no longer have to use the terms impotence and impotence in sex education, in articles and interviews in the media, on television. The penis is not the symbol of male potency: for a true sexual liberation of all men (and women), for the purposes of sex education one must explain that it is the ability to love (and the knowledge of making love) what really counts, not the penis and its erection.

Erectile dysfunction can be a symptom of some neurological and cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, prostate surgery, as well as an effect of some antidepressant drugs, antipsychotics, etc. Continue reading

Doctors On Alcohol And Male Sexuality

Alcohol is a double-edged sword: from a neurochemical point of view alcohol temporarily reduces the control that the frontal lobe exerts on our instinctive behaviors, including sexual ones. The problem occurs when the quantity of alcohol increases and this abuse is carried on for long periods: in this case, in fact, not only at the moment do we more easily put into action dangerous or even antisocial behaviors, but also our long-term sexual desire is slowed down and testosterone production is inhibited, reducing overall sexual function.

How does alcohol reduce sexual function?

The command to produce testosterone is given by a gland located at the base of the brain, called the pituitary gland, which uses two “helpers” to transmit orders: the FSH (follicle stimulating hormone) and the LH (luteinizing hormone). Their stimulatory message reaches the testicles, where testosterone is produced. Continue reading

How Porn Can Be Bad For Your Sexual Health

Those who prefer the theoretical sex of pornography to the real one, run the risk of ending up in a complicated trap. Consuming pornography leads to difficulties in real sex: a study just presented at the annual meeting of the American Urological Association in Boston explains it.

While working on the survey, the researchers examined 312 men, aged between 20 and 40, who were in a San Diego urology clinic for the treatment of erectile dysfunction. What emerged is that 26% said they saw pornography less than once a week, 25% once or twice a week, 21% three to five times a week, 56% a week ten times, 4% over 11 times a week. Continue reading

Delayed ejaculation. Why does it happen and what can be done with it?

Delayed ejaculation affects up to 4 % of all sexually active males. The disease is characterized by the inability to reach the culmination and ejaculate within half an hour after the penetration. In rare cases, males can’t reach the climax at all. An individual may be diagnosed delayed ejaculation (DE) if the problem persists for half a year or longer. DE may be situational (happening from time to time) or constant.

What can trigger delayed ejaculation?

Difficulties with ejaculation may be either permanent or gained. If the problem is permanent, the reason may be in the inborn abnormalities of the genital system that prevent ejaculation. Continue reading